Tuesday, April 19, 2016

What Happens When You Disney Bound

A few years ago, I discovered "Disney Bounding" on Pinterest and immediately wanted to try it. For those who don't know, "Disney Bounding" is dressing like a Disney character without going into full replica costume. This could range anywhere from dressing in the character's iconic colors to closely matching the character's wardrobe style.

In 2012, I decided to attempt Disney Bounding on a trip to Disney World with my sister and parents. I searched local stores for the right clothing pieces to recreate some iconic Disney Princess looks. I found a pink dress for Aurora and a green dress with a purple cardigan for Ariel, both of which were subtle Disney Bounding outfits. However, my most recognizable outfit was a yellow skirt, blue tank top, and red short-sleeve cardigan. No longer being a teenager, I was a little embarrassed to so closely resemble the iconic ensemble of Snow White at my age. But once I stepped out of the hotel room, I knew there was no turning back.

We ate breakfast at the Grand Floridian Café, and as soon as we approached the hostess' stand, she immediately asked if I was dressed like Snow White. I hesitated, assuming that she must have thought it was strange that I was wearing that outfit at my age; but to my surprise, she thought it was awesome. The hostess' opinion seemed to be shared by most of the other Cast Members I encountered that day. While other guests didn't take notice of my clothes, the Cast Members certainly did and made sure to tell me how much they liked my outfit.

One of the best benefits of Disney Bounding was the reaction I received from the Disney face characters, especially the other princesses. We spent the day at Epcot and met Princess Aurora, Belle & Beast, Aladdin & Jasmine, Mary Poppins, Mulan, Snow White, and several others. Each Disney Princess told my I looked just like their good friend, Snow White, and asked if I knew her. Snow White herself enjoyed pointing out the fact that we matched. I learned that Disney Bounding, especially when your outfit closely resembles an iconic character, can add to the interactions you have with characters, even for adults.

So if you're thinking about Disney Bounding, go for it. You might find that it's not for you, or you might find that you love the extra attention from Cast Members and characters. Plus, it makes for great photos!

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